About Us
The Oneonta Club was established in 1923 by 12 local leaders who had finished volunteering to repair the schools in South Pasadena. These men enjoyed each other’s company and wanted to continue meeting in a social atmosphere.
Monthly dinner meetings feature community singing, fine music and speakers from various professions.
The Oneonta Club’s name is an Indian word meaning “place of peace”. It is a town name in New York where Henry Huntington had his home. Mr. Huntington brought the name with him when he moved to California.
“I further believe that only with confidence founded upon acquaintance, friendship and understanding may we render free and unselfish service to each other and our country”
Since its founding in 1923, the Oneonta Club creed includes the following statement:
Meet Our Team
Here is your 2024-2025 Board Members
Charlie Wilson
Marty Hodis
Dean Serwin
Board Member
Sterling Wainscott
Board Member
Scott Moe
1st VP
Membership Chair
Glenn Crawford
Immediate Past
Devin Robinson
Board Member
Kristopher Maines
2nd VP
Finance Chair
Brook Collins
Board Member
Tom Rogers
Board Member
Peter Giulioni
Sargeant at Arms
Dylan Burke
Board Member
Odom Stamps
Board Member
We Are Here For You
The 2023-2024 Board is here to help you. If you have any questions, concerns, comments or feedback we would love to hear from you. We are dedicated to the integrity of this beloved men's club and will do anything we can to make everyone has a voice and will be heard.
Our Very Own Musical Talent
We can not forget about our very talented and very own musical talent duo, Paul and Gary. These two dedicated fellows bring life to our party by providing great jams and harmonies, with Paul on the piano and Gary on vocals. Our meeting just would not be the same without them.
Thank you boys!
Paul K.
Song writer, Pianist, occasionally Saxophonist
Gary P.
Song writer, and
occasionally guitarist
Membership Consideration
The 2024-2025 Board is here to help you. If you have any questions, concerns, comments or feedback we would love to hear from you. We are dedicated to the integrity of this beloved men's club and will do anything we can to make everyone has a voice and will be heard.